Pisces Season

You heard it here first…it’s Pisces season, people! We’ve now entered March aka my birthday month aka the Astrology period where all of history’s most creative, moody, emotional artists were born. Emphasis on the moody.

The past couple months have been rather tame. Dry January, lots of yoga and an internet cleanse kicked off 2019 in a rarely refreshing way. Then spent most of February making up for lost time drinking, busting my ass at work, and learning how to ski for the first time ever. Our trip to Colorado was definitely the highlight of my year so far, because it was the true test of if we really wanted to move there or not. And it passed 🙂

We of course celebrated Valentine’s Day in the best way possible, at home together with a home-cooked meal by Andrew. Flowers delivered to the office and everything. Then we celebrated Andrew’s birthday, in Denver and at home and with a surprise visit from his parents for dinner this past Saturday. It was a total success and he was so happy/surprised. That’s the best gift, to see him smile.

Now here comes my 27th birthday…slowly approaching. In less than 2 weeks we’ll be heading down to Savannah for the St. Patty’s day parade and to celebrate another trip around the sun. I’ve always been such a big birthday person (well, holidays and any reason to party in general), but I tend to over-hype it in my head then allow myself to get disappointed. Every year I do it, every year it fails to meet my expectations. Might just be part of my personality. This year I’m really gonna try to remain realistic, remove the pressure and just have a good freaking time! Life’s too short.

Anyways, things are good right now. On this day, March 4th at approximately 10:40pm, I feel happy. Floyd is laying on my lap and Andrew and I had a great night making home-made pizzas and watching Game of Thrones. I have no complaints. I would like it to be this way all the time… 🙂

Time to swiffer the floors (gotta keep that to-do list and stick to it) and go to bed. Love myself! Self care! self love!




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